Informative Documents

Below are supplementary informative documents that complement and are referenced in our new patient forms. These important documents include our Privacy Policy, which we strongly encourage you to read thoroughly to understand how we manage your personal information. Additionally, in compliance with California Proposition 65 and Business & Professions Code Section 1648.15, we also provide the most updated version of "The Dental Board of California Dental Materials Fact Sheet." These documents are solely for your reference. You may choose to save a copy for your personal records or future reference.

New Patient Forms

We've made these new patient forms available online for your convenience, allowing you to complete them at your own pace before your first visit. If you find yourself with questions or need clarification on any form details, don't hesitate to give us a call. When you've finished filling out the forms, feel free to send a scanned copy to our email address ( or simply bring them with you for your first visit!